SCHOOL EXEC CONNECT offers consulting services in the areas listed below. Our clients are boards of education, school districts, and school administrators. Those who have worked with us speak well of our professionalism and give us high praise for our results. Please contact us to discuss your needs in the following areas or contact us for references from satisfied past clients.
- Board Governance Workshops: We work with boards of education on topics such as: establishing Operating Principles for board members to work respectfully and successfully together; understanding how individual board member’s differing skills and personalities can contribute to the great good of the school district; and using teambuilding as a way to strengthen the culture of the school district.
- Goal Setting Workshops: We offer guided workshops for goal setting for the district and for the superintendent that result in clear direction for accountability and progress.
- Superintendent Evaluations: We assist boards of education as they evaluate the superintendent with a comprehensive process that results in clear and helpful feedback for the superintendent’s growth and success.
- Communication Assessments: We conduct communication audits within a district to assess the effectiveness of differing levels of communications.
- Mentoring and Executive Coaching: We mentor new administrators and establish individualized coaching plans to improve and enhance school administrators’ leadership skills.
- Teambuilding Workshops: We offer teambuilding workshops that bring the best out of the team through deeper understanding of colleagues and progressive strategies to continue forward momentum of the team.
- Succession Planning: We assist boards of education with succession planning that can allow for internal candidates to be considered at a first level. We work with newly appointed administrators as they begin their duties in new positions to assure a smooth transition.
- Strategic Planning: Our comprehensive planning process includes community engagement, goal setting, oversight of the process and assessment of progress.
- Your Specific Needs: We will tailor a workshop for your board or administrators’ specific needs.